(This is something that I wrote long back...but never got it published anywhere. So, just posting it here. )
educators across the country have been discussing the need to improve
the Indian educational standards, particularly calling attention to the
“pattern recognition” type of training in the current educational system1. Researchers have been calling the need to inculcate ‘irreverence’ in science education2, 3.
However, it is not only the educational and research institutes that
play a role in setting the standards of the graduates. Students’
motivation to learn, apply and achieve are, in part, inspired from the
recruiters. Particularly with the engineering colleges, majority of the
students aim to get placed in the IT companies. Thus the IT companies,
or any other recruiting company for that matter, play an important role
in setting the standards as to what to expect from graduates. In this
line, the aptitude tests that these recruiting companies conduct as a
form of screening the potential candidates has been helping to set the
necessary levels of ‘thinking’ that a graduate should possess. Whether
these aptitude tests are indeed up to the standards is a question of
separate debate and discussion though. The recent news article that
appeared in Hindu (http://www.thehindu.com/life- and-style/money-and-careers/ article938221.ece
shows a policy change towards what recruiting companies want from
students. The news article says that the companies are looking for
“consistent performers”. A consistent performer from our current
educational system is one who has successfully been able to recognize
patterns among words and numbers and was able to reproduce it
effectively without error in exams. Moreover, this initiative is also a
bias against the ‘late bloomers’. There can be no reason to discriminate
the late bloomers against ‘consistent performers’. Such initiatives do
not facilitate the goals that educators and researchers are aiming to
set up. Recruiting companies should realize their role in education and
devise recruiting strategies based on discussions and views from
educators and researchers. With a long-term vision, recruiting companies
along with academicians can, and have the ability, to transform Indian
educational system and hence the society as a whole.
1. Mohanan, K.P. (2010) Entrance examinations for science and technology. Curr. Sci. 99:1321.
2. Mashelkar, R.A. (2010) Irreverence and indian science. Science. 328:547.
3. Balaram, P. (2010) Irreverence and advancement. Curr. Sci. 98:1155-1156.