Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Are you fooling yourself?

“I am unworthy of doing a PhD”, “My supervisor is soon going to find out that I am not capable of doing research”, “I am going to be thrown out of the grad school soon”.
- Have you ever lived with any of these fears in mind? If yes, continue reading to know that it is just a common syndrome among highly successful people and is called the ‘Impostor syndrome’.
The condition was first identified in 1978 by the psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes among ‘gifted women’. Slowly, it was realized that this condition is common among people in different walks of life, irrespective of gender.
The impostor syndrome is defined as the inability to internalize success. One feels that he/she is not really successful, competent and smart and is only imposing as such. They are in constant fear that their inabilities would be found out and shall be thrown out soon! They may also attribute success to other external sources (such as a computer error!) or luck and not to their own abilities. This is not an all or nothing syndrome. Some of us may be able to associate our self with a few statements. Some of us may identify with impostor feelings in some situations and not others or may not even identify these feelings but have friends who do. To read more about it and for ways to overcome the impostor feeling, the following pointers may help:
1. http://www.counseling.caltech.edu/articles/The%20Imposter%20Syndrome.htm
2. http://www.news.cornell.edu/chronicle/03/10.30.03/imposter_syndrome.html
3. http://chronicle.com/free/v54/i11/11a00101.htm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I’ve just written a book that will be available in August on The Impostor Syndrome. Check it out here: http://www.johngraden.com/files/the_impostor_syndrome.php
Also my blog deals with this as well:
John Graden